Comments on: How To Win Arguments With Your Spouse Relationships, breakups, and dating guidance from the experts Fri, 02 Oct 2020 12:54:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Denis Sun, 03 Nov 2019 01:26:33 +0000 Hello, I need some advise please. My husband and I used to have a very shared relationship, we’ve always shared everything with each other his phone is mine and mine is his, we’ve always known each other passwords for everything and if we don’t go out together we are always in touch. Lately he has been very upset at me accusing me of trying to control him for the same reasons to the point where he has made clear to me that “when he he is out with someone else don’t call him or txt him” we have had fights about it and he gets really angry because he says it is irrelevant for me to want this info and that I’m just trying to control him, he says that if I want us to be fine I already know what to do. “Don’t contacto him while he is out with anyone else” today he got super upset because he went out with some coworkers but I didn’t know he was picking up his female coworker/friend so I told him it was weird he didn’t tell me he was picking her up and dropping her off at her house as well. Once again he stated that it was irrelevant him telling me that he doesn’t see the issue and that I am trying to control him. That this is never going to get fixed if I don’t change. Once again what bothers be is , why does he have a problem with this if for almost 13 years of marriage it was never a problem and most of all it was something that has been part of our relationship forever.

By: Brad Browning Mon, 15 Oct 2018 09:10:30 +0000 In reply to Ibrar qureshi.

What’s going on, Ibrar? Sounds serious… is it something you can share in a few sentences here? If not, please sign up for my 1-on-1 coaching program ( and I’ll be happy to talk with you in depth and we’ll work out a strategy together to sort out whatever marriage issues you’re facing. 🙂

By: Ibrar qureshi Sun, 14 Oct 2018 07:52:23 +0000 I need to your help brad please please
