Carolina Estevez, Psy.D.

Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Carolina Estevez is a clinical psychologist licensed in the State of Florida. She specializes in the administration and interpretation of a variety of psychological tests including personality evaluations, diagnostic assessments, academic and neuropsychological tests, and vocational and disability assessments. Dr. Estevez has provided individual and group psychotherapy to diverse mental health populations in inpatient, outpatient, and substance abuse rehabilitation settings. She has worked with individuals of all ages and with a variety of diagnoses including mood and anxiety disorders, personality disorders, behavioral and developmental disorders, psychotic disorders, and trauma-related disorders. Connect on LinkedIn »

All Posts by Carolina Estevez, Psy.D.

domestic abuse

What to Do If You Think You May Be in An Abusive Relationship

If you think you may be in an abusive or violent relationship, read this comprehensive guide to diagnosing and resolving situations of domestic abuse.

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depressed man

What To Do If You’re Depressed Or Have Suicidal Thoughts

If you're having suicidal thoughts or feeling depressed, read this easy-to-understand guide to diagnosing and treating depression.

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